Community Transportation

PR Health Services can provide Community Transportation services are offered in order to enable individuals, and his/her personal
assistant as needed, to gain access to employment, community life, activities and resources.  These services allow individuals to engage in typical day-to-day, non-medical
activities such as going to and from paid, competitive, integrated employment, the grocery store or bank, participating in social events, clubs and associations and other civic activities, or attending a worship service. 

Serving East Tennessee! because you deserve the best

Respite Care 


Respite shall mean services provided to a person supported when unpaid caregivers are absent or need relief from routine caregiving responsibilities. Respite care provides temporary relief for a primary caregiver, enabling you to take a much-needed break from the demands of care giving an aging, or disabled family member. Respite care can take place in your own home, or at residential.   Whether it’s for just a few hours a day or weekly, our respite care program can help ease the burden ofn family care giving and help to relieve stress, restore your energy, and promote balance in your life.

Support Services


Personal assistance a range of services and supports designed to assist an individual with a disability to perform daily activities of living at the person's own home, on the job or in the community.  Outpatient services  individual with life and stressful issues.  Job services such as Job Coaching services are for needing additional training and support on your job and self-employment start-up training for those who would like to own their own business.